May 13, 2024 7:14 am

Are you a Strong Women ?

When you love someone truly or the insecurity is taking a toll, and sometimes when you find it easy to put someone else’s wants before your own. While you are doing all this you should be aware you are losing a part of you of being who you are. All you women out there do not do these 5 things for a man or anybody else.

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1. Changing Your Appearance
if your significant other is good human being they won’t ask you to change your appearance for their good. They should accept you for who you are and the all of you. If your height, weight, sense of dressing, hair really worries him then it is a sign to stop it right there because he is clearly not with you for right reasons. If you wish to make changes with your choice for you and not to get others attention is fine.

something female,alpha female, alpha females, being a female, being strong, self-confidence, strong woman, strong women
2. Compromise of Your Passions
Never allow anyone to get into your aims. You are the one who will regret leaving your dreams unfulfilled than anyone else, it is your life after all. If your partner is willing to support you, in your endeavors then he is good for you. Never lose an opportunity for someone who wants you to do what he wants you to do.

3. Waiting For Approvals
A strong woman is the ruler of her life, she doesn’t wait for someone else’s approval. You should be self-confident and go ahead with your own decisions than seeking permission from the other one. You know what is good for you.

4. Terminating Already Made Plans
It is a different case to rearrange when something necessary crops up but its difficult when you cancel what you are doing for being with him. Do not sideline personal friends and family for him and it shouldn’t matter him what you were doing with personal life and relationships hips that you were carrying before he was not in your life !

5. Changing Your True Self
Change your true self to better yourself, don’t change it for anyone unless you want to bring in that change to be a better version of yourself. There are possibilities that he would be more fascinated if you do a,b, and c but he wouldn’t actually like you for you. Never lose yourself for making someone like you.

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Viral Bharat
Author: Viral Bharat

From the desk of talentd writers of ViralBharat.Com

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