May 2, 2024 4:13 am

Steroids for body Yes or No?

Steroids can make or break your body. We might be hovered by questions like if steroids can make athletes strong and muscular then why it is bad? Deep down in our hearts we know that steroids can’t do any good, there are various side effects after consumption of certain anabolic steroids or corticosteroids.

What is a steroid?
It is an organic mix with 4 rings set in a particular configuration such as the sex hormones, dietary lipid cholesterol, testosterone and estradiol and anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone. It is an artificial hormone to treat various ailments/injuries, itchy skin, breathing problems and more. Steroids can be taken orally or through injections. There are two types of steroids Anabolic and Corticosteroids.


Anabolic: It acts like male sex hormone, it is widely used in treating muscle loss in cancer and Aids patients and improves their survival rates , late puberty in men, athletes are using this to become winners.

Corticosteroids: This is less controversial than anabolic. This steroid is used to treat ailments rather than building muscles. Doctors use it to bring down swelling and pain in the skin that has been caused by insect bites, poison etc, it is also used in treating autoimmune ailments such as arthritis and lupus. Both anabolic and corticosteroids can be taken through injection, or rubbed on the body or orally.

Why are steroids used?
Steroids are basically used to enhance performance in many fields. Athletes, singers, stage artists, weight lifters, football players and who’s who from different walks of life have taken steroids as their role model to improve their performance in their respective fields. Anabolic steroids aids in building muscles so it is widely used by athletes to build muscles and enhance their physical appearance or performance. In sports terms steroid consumption is called Doping and athletes tested positive for this are banned by the sports authority. These doping strategies were undetected for decades but now everything is under control.

Disturbing Results of Steroid Abuse
Steroids play a chief role in bodily processes, they are naturally produced in animals and artificially in labs, each and every steroid has mildly diverse pattern of atoms. Weight lifters, body builders use this to increase weight and strength. Over use of steroids may cause liver problems, increase blood pressure, provoke aggressive behavior and also the appearance of both genders.

Steroids Safe or Savage? Steroids are safe if unabused:
If taken in required doses it can be helpful. For weight gain for men after 35 years who are under high stress condition. With regular exercises, good & healthy food & six meals per day steroids can be good.
Before using steroids blood pressure should be checked. Hormonal imbalances can be treated
For burns and injuries steroids can be used under medical supervision. They are good if taken with correct knowledge and length of dosage and they should know to control side effects. Not every type of steroids has harmful side effects. 

Steroids are bad if abused.
Rapid weight gain
Deepening of the voice
Depression, Aggression and mood swings.
Cholesterol increase
Breast development in men
Reduce sperm count and shrinking of testes
Kidney and liver tumors
Hypertension and more

Think twice before you use steroids. For ex Lance Armstrong a world champion cyclist has been detected with numerous cancers due to heavy dose of steroids. Mental and physical well being of athletes has had detrimental effects due to steroid abuse. Overdosage pose serious health issues which cannot be treated completely. Teenagers should be educated not to use steroids for various reasons, avoid steroids available in black market.

Viral Bharat
Author: Viral Bharat

From the desk of talentd writers of ViralBharat.Com

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